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Math is Art, Art is Math Project

eTwinning project

About Project

Mathematics and art are related in different ways. You can see, hear, experience math everywhere - in painting, architecture, nature, in a rhythmic melody played on an instrument, in sports dances, in the comfort of home cooking, in the shadow theater, in juggling, while playing with blocks, as well as in dreams … In works of art you can find objects that we know from math lessons: numbers, lines, points, shapes, flat and spatial figures, rhythm, symmetry, perspective, depth and even time. Mathematics is not limited to numbers and calculations, and searching for it in non-obvious places is a great development stimulus for children. Children will create their own works, observe the world around them and find math in art and art in mathematics. The book by Majungmul will be the inspiration for the project, "Pictures of mathematics. A visit to an art museum ” and Anna Weltman,“ This is not just another math book ”. The participants of the project will be students aged 6-11.


Project goals
1. Understanding the relationship between mathematics and art. Showing examples of the application of mathematics in art.
2. Shaping in the minds of children the habit of observing the surrounding world.
3. Developing creativity and activity of students.
4. Expanding children's imagination.
5. The use of modern technological methods as an aid in learning and gaining knowledge.
6. Knowledge of various art techniques. Experimenting with tools and materials.
7. Getting to know selected works and their creators.
8. Cooperation with teachers and educational institutions in Poland and abroad.

Work process
The project is to be implemented from November 2022 to April 2023. The project includes painting, sculpture, nature, theater, dance and music classes. Our project will focus on joint research, a joint work plan will be prepared after the creation of the project team, taking into account the opinions of the participants.


Awaited results

Students will develop a positive attitude towards math and arts.
They will create works of art using various painting techniques.
They will develop a sense of aesthetics and a sensitivity to beauty. They will show their ingenuity and creativity.
They will acquire 21st century skills such as cooperation, solidarity, creativity, tolerance and empathy.
They will develop digital competences thanks to the Web2.0 tools used.
Works of children's art, albums, electronic books, stories, films and a gallery of works will be created.
To sum up the project, a puzzle room and a game in Nearpod will be created for the students.

Project Partners - Teachers Team

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